Sunday, January 23, 2011

12 - Fresh Air

All good things must come to an end, and fortunately, the same goes for all bad things too. Unbelievably, I missed my flight out of Patagonia (that I had been waiting for all week), and I was thinking the whole ill-fated trip to Calafate might never end. I did however manage to catch a last minute bus to Buenos Aires, and spent my weekend watching the same couple of movies that they show on every bus, again. It’ll end up costing me a trip to Montevideo that I had planned, but at least I’m finally out of the endless Patagonian tar pit.

Interesting moment on the bus – I had the seat next to me to myself for most of the ride. After we stopped in Bahia Blanca for a while (definitely worth visiting next time), I come back to my seat and next to me is a 12 year old who is an absolute spitting image of me. He had hair, the height (for a 12 year old), freckles, blue framed glasses, blue and grey wind pants and a t-shirt. I was shocked. I stepped back outside to get an ice cream, and I thought ‘why don’t I get this kid an ice cream too’. Then I realized that I was about to offer candy to a stranger’s kid. Whups.

More interesting moments on the bus – Finally won the Andesmar grand bingo, which ended up being a bottle of wine of course. Later on, I was hungry so I grabbed a sandwich at a stop. But then, back on the bus, they served us dinner. It was 1:20 a.m. Finally, we were stopped at a light passing through Rivadavia, and I look down out the window and hear some serious tire screeching. Then, the car that was stopped right next to the bus directly below my window gets blasted from behind by this Volkswagen, who must have been doing at least 50 downtown before slamming the brakes. Nobody was hurt, unless the argument turned into a fight. We pulled away.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Buenos Aires was my favorite city thus far and I feel like I missed a few things, so I’ll be here for the next three nights. Last stop will be Cordoba for three nights before finally heading off to Chile.

Leroy is absolutely dying for a decent salad or at least, something besides ham and cheese sandwiches. I think we can pull that off in Buenos Aires. It’s nice to have a bit of a head start on the city, having already done the tours and visits and restaurants the first time around.

Quote of the day: ‘What’s your name sir? Packs? Pad? Pip! Ok, a round of applause for Pip everybody! Enjoy your wine.’

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